He is Love — I am priceless.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Mar 14 He is Love - I am -priceless -LOVE is my biggest fan!
My Father celebrates me continuously. He comes to all my games. I feel his support, and hear his shouts of approval above all others. He is my most enthusiastic patron. And he brings his friends, the heavenly host to every game and occasion. They surround me, I can see them in the stands, yelling, screaming my name and prodding me on to a victorious win. p. 42 HIIA
Phil 3:12 -press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of you!
Num 6:24-26 -God’s heart for Israel in the wilderness. “Lord, bless you and keep you”
Hebrews 12:1-3 -consider being surrounded by a cloud of witnesses
Luke 15:10 -turn to God and there is rejoicing in the presence of God’s angels
Bible Story: Luke 15:11-32 The Crazy love of the Father!
Joey on our worship team has this t-shirt. It says, “God loves everyone, but I’m his favourite!”
God, He’s your biggest fan. I love what Laurie says above. “And he brings his friends, the heavenly host to every game and occasion!” God is for you no matter what!
When you fail, fall, make a mistake, or even screw up royally, God is not your worst critic. He’s there to cheer you on!
This has to be part of the renewing of our mind that Paul talks about in Romans 12:1-2. Knowing God is for us no matter what allows us to get better and not bitter within this game we call life! The CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE is your biggest fan!
Undeniably, fan’s contribute to the atmosphere in which the game is played. May the atmosphere of heaven fill our life. It can because ALL OF HEAVEN has come to earth to cheer us on and see us finish the game victorious! That’s God’s heart for everyone.
It’s God’s heart for you! He’s cheering you on all the way! Believe it, it’s true. Father God is the most committed, faithful, enthusiastic fan that exists in the entire planet! And He’s cheering for YOU! Joey’s shirt, says it all!! God, wants you to wear it!